Monday, February 26, 2018

Both electricity and natural gas failed

The cold snap of the past week and some time on my hands sitting in an airport had me thinking about what kind of chaos I’ve see over the years related to cold weather.

You have to have seen some of this too.

Frozen pipes

Car accidents

Power outages

The list could go on, the real difference tends to be in the action one takes leading up to it. Early on I remember a time when a couple of our customers with large businesses came in and rented everything remotely close to a heater about 2 days before the cold snap hit. 

What I hadn’t really thought a lot about prior to that day was the possibility of losing two utilities at the same time and how that can really change things, in a bad way. 

What would you do if both power and the gas lines quit working?

We had this in the ‘90’s when I was a mechanic for the Roseburg Public Schools. Both electricity and gas failed. In that chaos the school district lost tens of $1000’s of dollars worth of heating coils in the old humanities building. 

It might not be a bad idea to think about not just at home, but at work too. Taking it a step further, think about transportation, communication, security, and maybe more. 

What I can tell you is others are thinking about it and are both prepared and proactive. You don’t need to get carried away and create massive redundancy, I think it would be a waste of resources that could be better used elsewhere. What you can do is think about what kinds of things you’re not prepared for, and get to know what resources are out there to help should the need arise. If you wait until you need it, chances are someone else will have already beat you to it.

If the weather guessers miss, will you be scared or prepared?


Real live people by phone

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Sunday, February 25, 2018

What the Property Brothers told us in New Orleans

The Property Brothers (really the Scott Brothers, but you know the media, AKA the Property Brothers on HGTV) told us this in New Orleans this week.

“One of the biggest mechanisms for growth are relationships,” Jonathan said. “That’s why we’ve always said to become a community leader. Be a face in the community. Get involved in the community and all of a sudden, that will funnel business back to you. It’s good, not only from a social platform, but it’s great from a business platform.”

I couldn’t agree more and think it is good advice for anyone trying to grow their sphere of influence. 

It is also one of the favorite parts of this business for me. 

The resources you provide by doing business with us allow us to engage and facilitate a lot of great projects around town. Frequently, where volunteers gather to build, clean or repair something in the community you will see our equipment there, and sometimes even us.

As our customer, I hope you realize you play a role in that. 

If you choose to step it up and get more hands on with a volunteer project that requires equipment, don’t hesitate to email here. Just hit reply, and let me know what your working on, I’ll see what equipment we have that might be able to help. 

That brings us to our Friday Special for you on this list. (If you are reading this on our blog you’re too late, get on our email list to receive these when they come out. The link is on this page under social media links)

Ryan says we are looking good on tractors for this weekend, so we will offer a tractor rental for the weekend for the 4 hour price.

Same as last time, that is the Tractor only, no trailer, no damage waiver, bring it back clean and full of fuel. Only offered to the folks on this list. Not on our email list, not going to get this price. First come first serve, one only. Pick it up Saturday morning, bring it back by 9am Monday, don’t put more than 4 hours on it (additional hours on the meter will be billed at the normal hourly rate). 

The safest way to make that happen is to call 541-492-RENT (7368) and make the reservation. You can’t email me here (I’m still in New Orleans!). 

Good luck!


Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Thursday, February 22, 2018

What could you be doing now to save time this Spring?

Delaying, dabbling, procrastinating…

Hey, I’m as guilty as anybody when it comes to this, but maybe, just maybe we can work together to trim it up a bit.

One of my favorite go to references for this industry is the OSU Garden Calendar. They have on their site a monthly calendar detailing what you should be doing with your yard, tree’s, garden and other landscape items. I’ll link to that below for this month.

I bring this up because like most things in life, you don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Too often we get so busy that we take shortcuts (sometimes these just develop over time) and end up costing ourselves the very precious time we’re trying to save. 

After all, we both know our days are numbered, so we’d do best to make the most of that precious allotment.

While we’re both learning the best way forward for me to bring value to you, I’ll be trying some things. One I’m wondering if you’d appreciate is a link to the reservation page for an item or category of equipment I’m discussing. 

As we inch up on Spring, the gardening and landscape equipment will get busy in a hurry. 

No matter how much equipment we have, there is never enough to fill every need, some folks will have to schedule around the availability.

I’d like for you to not be one of those folks. 

If there is one thing you can do to make sure you get what you need when you want it, it is the reservation. I will always recommend a phone call first, but if you’re more inclined, here is the link to view and reserve landscape equipment online.

Oh, and that calendar? Not a lot to do this month, so breath easy. I’ll let you know when it is about to get serious. 

Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

My favorite kind of pain

As I’m reading through a business book recently I came across a tid-bit that hit me in the face like a ton of rocks.

The author got off topic and started talking about fear, and that it is something everyone has nearly complete control over, but few have any idea how, or what to do about it

He went on to explain that fear lives in a very small space between becoming consciously aware of something, and the moment a person takes action against it.

The moment a person takes action against it.

Tearing the band-aid off and eliminating fear is now my favorite kind of pain. 

An example.

Recently, I was concerned about a test at DMV related to getting my CDL Drivers license. I was studying the book, looking for more info. out in the digital world, and asking anyone I knew that held a Commercial Drivers License what I needed to know for the test. 

When I finally wised up, and remembered where this fear ended, I simply went and took the test.

It was a Friday. I passed the main test and failed the next two. But now I had first hand knowledge of what was going to be on the test.

The following Monday I went back down and passed both tests by a large margin.

For weeks I languished, and in around 45 minute’s of activity, eliminated the fear. 

Operating equipment for the first time is an example where a healthy amount of fear can be a good thing. Its powerful and can do damage. 

So was driving car, and most of us lived. 

When it comes to your projects, not letting fear hold you back may just be the fastest way toward peace of mind and a better space. 

If it involves equipment, we’d love to help you rip that band-aid off and will help keep you safe. 

Ready to rip that band-aid off? Call 541-492-7368 or you can make your reservation request online at 


P.S. If you haven’t been paying attention to the weather, you need to know it is going to reach damaging freeze temerperature’s overnight. For some Winter storage tips on equipment you might be interested in this old blog post a while back.

Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Saturday, February 17, 2018

One falls off the bucket list!

The movie “Bucket List” didn’t really resonate with me when it originally came out.

Being a very forward focused person, stopping to reflect really doesn’t come very natural to me.. Even today, I nearly have to set an alarm to get me to stop and take a look around.

That’s why today is a special day.

Depending of course on when you open this, I am going to be on a plane, riding up front for the first time. Business First Class. Yes, that was on my bucket list.

Don’t hate me for it, we’ve all got our reasons for what is on that list. Maybe I’ll talk about that one more later.

The important take away for me is the things we have to work through to get to cross those kind of milestones, and the fact that the work leading up tends to take so much more energy than the event itself. Strange how we do that to ourselves.

Whether flying first class, climbing a mountain or having the yard that is the envy of the neighborhood it is going to take work. 

Sometimes we’re the right or only person that can do the work. It wouldn’t really do me much good to have someone else exercise for me if I’m the one that is supposed to climb the mountain. 

Knowing when and how much you should take on with a project like that awesome back yard is something a good counterperson can help with. It is also time well spent. It reminds me of a time many years ago when I was spraying insulation into my attic. Proudly bragging, it took me only a short time to learn that I could have paid a contractor to come in and do the entire job for less than it cost me to buy the material and do the work myself. 

When you’re planning those projects, give us a call. Who knows, the money and energy you could save might just help pay to cross something off your bucket list.

Our Friday special offer for you on this list is a first come only excavator rental. No one but you will see it. I’m telling our guys to let one excavator go for $100 and you can have it for the weekend. That is less than 25% of the normal cost.

The special conditions are this;
Only one is available, whoever requests it first by calling 541-492-7368 gets it.
The price does not include a trailer to haul it or delivery.
Damage waiver will not be offered. If you break it, you pay for repairs to fix it.
You can put up to 4 hours on the machine over the course of the weekend, additional hours on the machine will be billed at the normal rate.
You can have one bucket (get it, bucket list..?) of your choice based on availability
It needs to be returned clean and full of fuel as per our normal procedure.

Funny thing. Thinking about you, on this list, I already know you’re a doer. I didn’t even have to mention getting up off the couch, it was just how to make the most of your time. That’s pretty cool.

If you are reading this on our blog, you're coming in late, and missing out on snagging specials like the one listed here. These go out to our email subscribers first. To get them, sign up here > Umpqua Rental Insiders Club

Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Your Love called, want to know what we talked about?

These are always fun phone calls.

“Hi, I would like to know the price to rent a trencher?”

Our staff, “I’d be glad to help with that, how long do you think you’ll need it for, and how deep and wide of a trench are you needing to make?”

“Honey, how deep and how wide does the trench need to be”

I can picture this conversation in the home, one on the couch watching TV, the other on the phone. 

In reality, this conversation would have started with a request from our staff for the caller to tell them more about the project. In this example, these questions would have gone back and forth between the middle person, good or bad. 

The fact that both parties are in the conversation helps to make sure everyone knows something about what is going on, that is good. Unfortunately bits and pieces of the conversation are viewed from different perspectives and therefore interpreted differently, if the information gets passed along at all, that can be bad.

Why do I bring it up? The same applies in most area’s of life. More often than not, adding a layer in your communication channel is going to dilute and devalue the message. That is the reason this new communication channel is so important to me. 

I love that you’re taking the time to read these. I’m looking forward to helping in any way I can to help make life a little easier for you. If I’m doing this right, you should be able to apply almost anything I’m discussing to work in other area’s of your life too.

There’s more in this than the words alone if you take the time to read between the lines.

I hope you have a Happy Valentine’s day!


Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Preventing unexpected equipment rental expenses

In the rental business it is one thing to save money using your time wisely, but one of the big fears is additional expenses. Lets talk about how to prevent them.

The top 3 reasons additional money will added to a contract;

Returned dirty or low on fuel
We’re not asking you to hand wash the equipment (we do that each time it comes through), but we do need you to leave your wood chips, mud, or other debris at your site or stop by a wash facility on the way back to the shop. This additional cleanup time isn’t included in the rental rate. We send the equipment out full of fuel and it should come back the same. 

Damage from incorrect application of the equipment
Our stump grinder is a good example. It is engineered and does a great job tearing up stumps (wood fiber), but will succumb to rocks and dirt in a hurry. You wouldn’t put your lawn mower blades or chainsaw into the dirt, the same holds true for the stump grinder. Those teeth are quite expensive and we won’t cover premature wear because it was used to grind rocks and dirt. 

Pushing equipment beyond its intended use
Some folks will come into this with the mindset that cheaper is better, not considering the wear and tear that happens when you push something to hard. It doesn’t work out well if you rent a cheaper mower but have to pay for replacing a belt because you tried to mow grass that was too tall. We have mowers engineered specifically for tall grass. They cost a few more bucks but are much more robust and do a lot better job. The same applies to much of our equipment. 

The easiest thing you can do is spend a little time discussing your project with the counter person and once the best equipment has been chosen, getting to know the equipment better. 

Along that line, we’re working on adding more user manuals and video’s to our website to make that easier to do from the comfort of your own home. Again, since this is just starting up, if you know your going to be renting something soon and don’t see the video for it, shoot me an email and I’ll put it to the front of the list.


Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

Sunday, February 11, 2018

3 ways to save $ on your next rental

Just this week I saw another example of someone spending more than they needed to, and this time quite a bit because it was a large piece of equipment, simply because of poor awareness of the rental pricing system. 

In this case, it was a large 8000# reach forklift that was returned after 2 weeks and 2 days. 

Now maybe this guy didn’t have room on the worksite for something that big to be just hanging around, there are certainly times when that or fear of loss, damage etc., might be good reasons to not take advantage of the discounts. 

#1 way to save - you should know the rate variables for the the specific item you are renting. Most equipment will have pretty steep discounts compared to hourly when held longer. Ours are typically at 1 day versus ½ day, one week versus daily, and monthly versus weekly. 

Had this guy held on to the item for 2 more days he could have gotten the equivalent of 9 free days. That’s not chump change on an item that large. 

#2 way to save - have your worksite prepped ahead of time. You’d be surprised at the number of people who will rent a paint sprayer and not have their doors, windows and trim masked off. This same thing applies to almost everything you do. 

#3 way to save - size the equipment correctly. Power washers are a great example, for around 25% more money you get double the productivity when you rent the large versus the small. Pay for and clean everything in one day with the large, or two days with the small? If the project could be done with something larger, it will almost always cost less to step up to the larger equipment than using the cheaper equipment for longer. 

I’ve mentioned that this venue will be where our leading information comes from and today will be a first for us. This has not been announced anywhere yet:

We are going to be selling our JCB 8018 mini excavator. Auction site prices for something similar have been averaging upwards of $15K. I’ll let it go to anyone in the group for $12K. 

Looking ahead, want to watch me stumble through my first live video feed? I’m going to try 10am next Tuesday. This will be on our FB page for Roseburg Rental. The following Tuesday I’ll be at The Rental Show in New Orleans and will probably be running one or more from there too.

Real live phone people

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385