Monday, April 30, 2018

Did someone just tell you to pound sand?

This is another of those life lessons I should have recognized sooner. 

We were up in Washington for the Northwest Rental Conference when the lightbulb finally went off. In a class about compaction, the question was being discussed which type of equipment for which job?

For years I’d heard the jumping jack called a trench compactor, the vibra plate referred to as a “nervous turtle” and other useless terms. When the light went off I recognized I had to unlearn everything I thought I knew about compaction. 

How well does pounding sand really work? It doesn’t, you can pound it all day and it won’t compact correctly. 

How do you know which tool for which job? If it crumbles or falls apart in your hands, use vibration. If it sticks together and doesn’t crumble, pound it. Not what I had been led to believe, but when the company that builds the stuff is telling you this kind of thing you should probably listen. 

Compaction is another area we’ve really built up our inventory. Drum attachment for the Bobcat ride in skid steer, double drum roller, reversible and standard plates, and of course jumping jacks are all available now. 

And we won’t tell you to pound sand!

Have a tool or equipment need coming up? We’d appreciate your business

Roseburg 541-492-7368

Myrtle Creek 541-863-4385

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